Cholera vaccine is rushed aboard a CHT AT6 plane at Lunghwa for shipment to Chengchow, Honan, where the supply of UNRRA vaccine has been exhausted by mass inoculations in Chengchow and vicinity.
Dr. Szeming Sze of the Far Eastern Section of UNRRA’s Health Division, examines a microscope, part of UNRRA’s field equipment. Dr. Sze is the son of Dr. Alfred Sze, for years Chinese Ambassador to the United States.
Washington, D.C.; These physicians from the other American Republics are familiarizing themselves with the United States Army field kit which they will take with them when they go to Europe as members of the UNRRA, to aid the victims of war. Left to…
Laguardia Field, New York. A crate holding 360 vials of plague serum which an Air Transport Command plane will fly to UNRRA offices in Chungking, China
Split, Yugoslavia. UNRRA medical supplies being shipped from the government warehouse to sections of the country which have had no medicines since the end of the war.