Browse Items (18 total)

  • Collection: International Sanitary Conventions - Textual Items

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-1  Conferences_4.jpg
List of countries participating in certain international conventions and the dates of ratification. Taken from folder "International Sanitary Conventions."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-1  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of-2.jpg
Memorandum announcing the recent accession of the Netherlands to the 1944 Sanitary Conventions . Taken from the folder "International Sanitary Conventions."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0137-1  League of Nations - Correspondence.jpg
A diagram of disinfectant chamber from the report "Control of Typhus in the Liberated Areas of the Soviet Union" from the League of Nations Health Section. Taken from the folder "League of Nations."

Pages from S-1448-0000-0023-1  Health Country Mission - Italy - Reports - Correspondence.jpg
Dental report from a Displaced Persons camp in Italy taken from the folder "Health Country Mission - Italy - Reports - Correspondence."

Pages from S-1448-0000-0023-1  Health Country Mission - Italy - Reports - Correspondence-2.jpg
Monthly Statistical report from Displaced Persons Camps Medical Division taken from folder "Health Country Mission - Italy - Reports - Correspondence."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-1  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of.jpg
U.S. Department of State press release announcing a prolonging of the 1944 International Sanitary Conventions. Taken from the folder "International Sanitary Conventions."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0069-1  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of.jpg
Information submitted by New Zealand under articles 6 and 28 of the 1926 International Sanitary Convention as amended by the 1944 International Sanitary Convention. Taken from the folder "International Sanitary Conventions."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-2  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of-8.jpg
Taken from folder "International Sanitary Conventions."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-2  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of-3.jpg
Marked up draft of the 1944 International Sanitary Convention. Taken from folder "Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of."

Pages from S-1271-0000-0067-2  Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of-4.jpg
Marked up draft of the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. Taken from folder "Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of."
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