A list of territories governed by the United Kingdom to which the provisions of the 1944 International Sanitary Conventions are applicable. Taken from the folder "International Sanitary Conventions."
Memorandum announcing the recent accession of the Netherlands to the 1944 Sanitary Conventions . Taken from the folder "International Sanitary Conventions."
Press release listing dates of accession to the 1944 Sanitary Conventions. Taken from the folder "Conferences - Conventions - International Sanitary Conventions and Administration of."
Monthly Statistical report from Displaced Persons Camps Medical Division taken from folder "Health Country Mission - Italy - Reports - Correspondence."
Cholera vaccine is rushed aboard a CHT AT6 plane at Lunghwa for shipment to Chengchow, Honan, where the supply of UNRRA vaccine has been exhausted by mass inoculations in Chengchow and vicinity.