In Planning room at UNRRA Headquarters, Captain Lloyd Gebhard (U.S.), Chief of UNRRA Malaria Control Program, discusses operations (treated areas shaded on map), with Engineers Schulz, Delbuono and Pavanello, Italy.
Signing of the International Sanitary Conventions of 1944, 5 January 1945.
Seated (left to right) – Lord Halifax (UK), Professor Andre Mayer (France), Mr. Edward Stettinus (USA), Ambassador of Poland, and Mr. Herbert H. Lehman, Director General of…
Miss Olive Holmes, theater sister, plastic surgery team, UNRRA, Yugoslavia, teaching two Yugoslav nurse aides to prepare the sterile instrument table for surgery.
Visit to D.P. hospital in Salzburg, Austria. Left to right: Miss Grant-Glass, Chief Nurse Austria, British; Miss F. N. Udell, Chief Nurse European Regional Office of UNRRA, British; Miss L. Johnston, Chief Nurse UNRRA, U.S.; Mrs. Rose, Chief Nurse,…